Take charge of your dog’s training with advice that fits your goals, your lifestyle, and your dog
You’ve tried training at home, maybe you’ve even followed advice from expert trainers online, but it’s just not working with your dog.
They listen when there’s a treat in your hand but pretend to be deaf whenever something more interesting catches their eye.
No, there isn’t something wrong with your dog. And yes, you are capable of training them.
All you need is someone with a trained eye to show you where the miscommunication is happening.
Dog training is a two way street, and I’m here to help you spot what’s going wrong and find a simple solution that makes sense to you and your dog.
So pull out those treats, grab a notepad, and get ready to train.
Getting your dog to listen shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth.
There’s two ingredients to easy, effective training. Once you know them, you can get your dog to listen every time.
The first is knowing what’s going on in your dog’s head. Why are they misbehaving or acting so nervous?
The second is knowing how to communicate in a way that your dog understands and shows that you mean business.
During one-on-ones, my focus is on getting you those key ingredients and laying them out in an easy to follow recipe so you can cook up the perfect training session at home whenever you have the time.
What you can expect from a one-on-one:
During the first session, I’ll start by watching and listening.
After learning more about your situation, I’ll lay out a customized training plan including how many sessions I think it will take to reach your goals.
Each session will include easy to follow tips to communicate more effectively with your dog.
You’ll learn how to read your dog’s body language, encourage them to listen every time, and respond when problem behaviors occur.
By the end of our sessions, you’ll feel empowered to guide your dog into being the best version of themselves.
I also ask for the whole family to come to at least one session (including children!) so your dog has consistency within your home.
Ready to take charge of your dog’s training?
All it takes is one phone call.